Radio's Research Record is a project made by 1k2k3k4k3k7k7akePartytime ("7ake") and Buttercozzells ("Moz")


7ake - Art, website, writing, design

Moz - Concepts, story, writing, design


These credits contain spoilers! But It'd be really nice if you read them.

Radio and Funfetti JR's designs - 7ake

Radio's Journal Entries - 7ake

Design of the Feather - Moz

Background Designs - Moz

A Lot Of Story and Worldbuilding - Moz

(7ake Here: WRITING THESE CREDITS IS KINDA HARD BCUZ IM REALIZING A LOT OF THE CONCEPTING DONE OFFSITE IS MOSTLY TOGETHER LOLL!! Its Kinda Hard to pin down who did what in a way thats easy to read. Moz if ur seeing this note tell me if u have problems with crediting LOLL ill fix it)

Specific Pages

Dialogue on Day 3-2 - Moz

Dialogue on Day 5-1 - 7ake