7akes Doorframe Page! ^_^

Hello..! This is the Doorframe Zone. AKA 7akes very first fanpage! cant say how long ill keep this page around LOLL. If you've EVER talked to me you would know that I Very Much enjoy hit webseries Animatic Battle.. And if you have talked to me a lot you probably know that Doorframe is my Favorite. You could say I'm a "fan" of this "awesome character"! Anyways. Because Doorframe is a character i LIKE, i have decided to make my own Doorframe Fanpage! If u wanna hear a bit about him, why I like him, and So On... This is the Place!

Do Not ask about why The page is decorated like this. Guess how many "Doorframe Themed Web Graphics" there are (NONE!!!!)

BTW... This page contains LOTS OF SPOILERS for both Object Fool and Animatic Battle!

Who the Flounder Is Doorframe?!?!?

Doorframe is a character in the series Object Fool and its second season, Animatic battle! In object Fool he placed 5th (out of 8 contestants!) and 64th in Animatic battle. Dead Last... He's most known for making Very Funny (though somewhat odd) facial expressions.

OKAY. Whats the deal wih Him?

Despite not having a lot of screen time, I think Doorframe is Pretty interesting! In Object Fool, his elimination was due to him "cheating" (though canonically, Doorframe just forgot to attend the voting screen). Because of this, Eucerin, the host of Object Fool, holds a bit of a grudge against him. Unlike other contestants in the series, who get sent to an Unknown Place, Doorframe is sent to The Door. We don't know much about the door but It is implied to be rather Unenjoyable! None of the other contestants knew about The Door during Object Fool BTW. He is never Seen again until Object Fool's second season, Animatic Battle. During the first episode of Animatic Battle, he is still stuck in the door. He does get freed! Only to be eleminated like a Day Later. The process of egtting eliminated (called extermination) in the show is Quite Brutal. He suffers for months, Gets out for about a day, and then immediately dies Forever.

Throughout the series, Doorframe is shown to just be Nice. Like hes actually just a normal guy. Literally his worst mistake was forgetting. And even in Animatic Battle, where he's not having a "Good time", he's still quite silly and joyful. Though, he's not really stupid either - He also seems pretty aware of things in the episodes he's in. In M is for Magic, he's the one who's most concerned for his team, and in Caffeination day he mentions that he's going To Die and is Quite Scared by the time his extermination rolls around.

So Why IS He your Fav?

Doorframe's story speaks to me I guess. I think there are a lot of interesting things that could've been explored with his chaarcter, had he not Died 2 episodes into Animatic Battle. Even though he's a character not a Lot of people Really Notice, I think he's wonderful! I also feel really REALLY bad for him like He Didn't deserve any of it What the Oarfish...